Once you have defeated the Kulve Taroth, your progress on the next Special Investigation will reset, scoutflies and all.
You can defeat Kulve Taroth in one round, or it can take up to six.
Progress (damage, points accumulated, etc.) against a Kulve Taroth will roll over into the next Special Investigation and remain until you have defeated it (by breaking off the horns completely), or it gets away.
If everyone in the session earned full points, everyone will get better rewards.
You must break it yourself to get full points. For example, if a different team of four in your online session breaks the tail, you will see a notification of it on your screen, and get partial points for it.
These goals are mainly breaking parts, but will only be revealed in your list once it has been discovered in the field.
The more points acquired, the more luxurious the rewards.
There is a point system related to specific goals.
The main goal is to break Kulve Taroth's horns entirely before it leaves the area - that will end the Siege, marked as a success.
Once you have completed the Kulve Taroth Siege, you will receive additional special rewards from the Hub Lass, even before all teams have completed it.